On Monday, March 10th – Wear RED for Ed!
Upcoming Negotiations Dates Are:
Tuesday, February 6
Friday, February 14
Monday, March 10
Monday, March 24
Additional Dates to be Announced
Look in Bargaining Updates News for reports from past bargaining sessions
TALB Bargaining Team
Corrin Hickey, Lakewood HS
Kevin Quinn, Los Cerritos ES
John Solomon, MacArthur ES
Maritza Summers, Mann ES
Juliane McCall, Nelson MS
Christine Gibson, RN, Franklin MS
Kennedy Dixon, Cubberley K-8
Maria Garcia, Head Start
Allinette Dean-Richardson, CDC
Chris Callopy, TALB
LBUSD Bargaining Team
Kelly An, Assistant Superintendent, HRS
Mark Bresee, AALRR
Sarah Forrester, CDC
Maria Harris, Head Start
Dawn Lomeli, Keller MS
Caroline Nemec, Lincoln ES
Steve Rockenbach, Employee Relations
Erin Simon, Assistant Superintendent, OSS
Jeffrey Riel, Attorney, LBUSD
Yumi Takahashi, CBFO, LBUSD
What is Red For Ed?
When we think about the promise of education today, we see the future leaders of our nation and the qualified educators who reach, teach and inspire them. We see classrooms with modern tools that help students prepare to make an impact on the world. We see students getting the support they need to thrive and educators having the support they need to serve.
Red For Ed is a movement of educators who will put everything on the line to make this dream a reality for every student, regardless of zip code.
We see progress and hope.
But we also see budgets being cut, overcrowded classrooms and outdated materials. We see educators working around the clock to make a difference in the lives of their students and standing up to lawmakers to ask for better pay and school funding. We’re raising our voices together for our students, for our schools and for ourselves as educators.
That’s why we wear Red for Ed. Our movement is committed to:
Fighting for Our Students
Budget cuts and underfunding have made it harder for educators to prepare their students. Our students deserve better, and so do we. That’s why we push public officials to make funding decisions that better account for school needs.
Upholding Our Value
Students benefit from educators who know them by name, know their community and have a say in the policies that govern their schools. We must ensure that talented educators can afford to stay in the profession they love.
Advocating for Change
TALB / CTA / NEA gives educators a voice to advocate for the better pay, benefits and working conditions that have long been ignored. We deserve, and have earned, pay and benefits that match our expertise, education and professional experience.