TALB Committees / Task Forces
There are several committees and task forces where members can volunteer or be appointed to. If you are interested in a committee, contact the TALB President Gerry Morrison at gmorrison@talb.org.
- Awards / Events Committee – plans and organizes the annual TALB Unity Celebration membership banquet. Volunteers welcome.
- Bargaining Team – negotiates contract with district. Members are appointed by TALB President.
- Bylaws/Standing Rules Committee – updates the TALB Bylaws and Standing Rules. Volunteers welcome.
- Elections Committee – helps oversee and facilitate the elections process for TALB elections. Members are appointed by TALB President.
- Racial Equities Affairs Committee (REAC) – supports and identifies ethnic minority leaders in TALB. Monitors the representation of ethnic minorities in TALB leadership positions. Plans and organizes events relevant to ethnic minorities. Volunteers welcome.
- Finance Committee – oversee TALB finances and makes budget recommendations. Members are elected by Rep Council.
- Grievance Committee – monitors ongoing grievances and makes recommendations to the TALB Board of Directors regarding arbitration. Members are appointed by TALB President.
- Kindergarten Task Force – addresses the concerns of Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten teachers. Volunteers welcome.
- Librarian Task Force – addresses the concerns of teacher librarians and library media teachers. Volunteers welcome.
- Membership Committee – develops membership recruitment plan and organizes member engagement activities. Volunteers welcome.
- National Board Oversight – helps to oversee members receiving National Board Certification.
- Organizing Committee – organizes and mobilizes TALB members around issues, negotiations, political campaigns for recommended candidates and issues, and promotes membership in TALB. Members are appointed by TALB President. Volunteers welcome for certain organizing activities.
- Special Education Task Force – addresses the concerns of special education teachers and regular education teachers in their assignments with special education students. Volunteers welcome.
- TALB Advocates Committee – facilitates the annual School Climate and Administrator surveys to the members. Volunteers welcome.