Long Beach Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Regular Long Beach Board of Education meetings are usually held at 5 p.m. in the Long Beach Unified School District Administration Building, 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach.
Agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance in the lobby of the Administration Building. Board of Education meetings are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:
School board meetings are typically live-streamed on the LBUSD YouTube Channel.
Scheduled Meetings: 2024-25
July 17 (Workshop)August 7 (Workshop)September 4September 18October 1 (Tuesday – Workshop)October 16November 6November 20December 4December 13 (Friday)December 18
January 15February 5- February 19 (Workshop)
- March 5
- March 19 (Workshop)
- April 9
- May 9
- May 19 (Monday)
- June 4
- June 18
Would you like your voice to be heard at the upcoming Board of Education meeting during public comments?
Here’s How:
The Board of Education values public input and encourages members of the public to make public comments during its meetings. Any member of the public wishing to address the board may approach the microphone when called upon.
Addressing the Board Regarding Agenda Items
You may address the Board on agenda items, before action is taken, by filing a written request with the assistant secretary (forms are available near the entrance prior to the meeting). Persons will be allowed to speak in the order in which the requests are received.
Addressing the Board Regarding Items Not on the Agenda
If you request to speak about a matter of school district business not on the agenda, you will be invited to make your remarks during the “Public Testimony on Items Not Listed on Agenda” portion of the agenda. Limited discussion may take place on the part of the Board of Education on an item which has not received public notice by being listed on the agenda. However, after receiving public testimony, any member of the Board may recommend placing such item(s) on the agenda of a future meeting or refer the item(s) to staff for a report.
When You Are Recognized to Speak
Please step to the microphone, state your name and address for the record, and direct your remarks to the chair. Remarks by persons addressing the Board of Education shall be limited to three (3) minutes per person for agenda items (30 minutes total) and three (3) minutes for non-agenda items (30 minutes total), unless the Board agrees to extend the time. Charges or complaints against individual employees should be submitted as a personnel complaint with Human Resource Services in writing so that complaints may be heard in closed session in conformity with the Brown Act. Remarks by any person addressing the Board which denigrate the religious, racial or personal characteristics of any person are discouraged. Please remember that young children often watch these board meetings, so we invite commenters to use language that is suitable for young children.
Available for Public Review
Agenda and minutes of previous meetings are available on the LBUSD website or at the Board of Education office.
Placing an Item on the Agenda
You may place matters directly related to school district business on the agenda by filing a request form, available from the assistant secretary of the Board of Education. Please include available back-up material. The Superintendent or designee will determine whether the matter is directly related to school district business. Written requests must be received at least 10 working days prior to the meeting date.